pOMcho, Your Meditation Poncho. An Introduction.
pOMcho is one of the good babies of the Covid lockdown. As we all rolled with the punches, many of us gave a special place to our meditation practice during that time. I've been involved with meditation for a long time, but truth be told, it still isn't always easy to sit down for those however many minutes on a truly regular basis. So one day, as I was struggling to sit still and turn my attention inward, I pulled the waist of my long skirt up to my neck as if looking to “gather” myself, and... BAM! My focus turned inward effortlessly and stayed there for a great meditation. To my surprise, this happened again a few times until I decided that the effect this simple garment was having on my meditation practice deserved attention.
I went on to design my ideal meditation garment. I thought about what fibers would best hold the energy, what shape would emphasize the cocoonish feeling but allow for free movement, what size hood could function as a hat and a light-blocker too, would sleeve-cuts help me focus (no) and did I really need them (no), was the bottom cord string necessary (maybe) or just psychologically comforting (for sure), why wasn't I having the same experience with a shawl, and so on and on. I made my first meditation poncho and called it pOMcho. I meditated in it and then showed it to some of my meditator friends only to see them instantly fall in love with it. By now, it was clear that pOMcho wasn't just for me. It triggered the curiosity and met the favor of so many more. I am now happy to share it with you all, whether you are an old time practitioner, an aspiring meditator, or anyone in between.
Please welcome POMCHO, your meditation cocoon, your portable sacred temple, keeper of your meditative energy, your inseparable security blanket that cradles you into meditation anywhere, at any time.